Article marketing can be a powerful way of building links for your website, blog or increase users awareness of your brand. When done properly, it could be a source of great traffic and depending on the directory you are submitting your article to, can also bring some link juice, an important factor for getting better results on search engines and eventually increasing your page rank.

Before I move on further, there is one thing that many have overlooked (even me), when it comes to article marketing, that I wish to share with you. Kristi, of Kikolani dot com, highlighted on a guest post the importance of building links to your articles. In essence, if we are building links, we should also strengthen those same articles that we submit to directories and build links for them as well, makes sense. What good is an article you have submitted to say eZine if no one also knows about it? Action: make that article powerful too, by also buildings links for them. To understand better how the process works, read the full article about Strengthening Your Article Marketing With CommentLuv Links and then come back here 🙂

OK. Now that you are back, it is time to submit those “killer” articles and start your link building campaign. For this purpose here is an updated list of high PR article directories. I have only selected article directories that have a PR4 or higher. This is an update of my previous lists as described on 20 High PR Article Directories and 15 High Page Rank Article Submission Directories.

UPDATE (April 2011): Due to the recent Google Panda update, several article directories have suffered from their rankings on the SERPs. When deciding which directory to use, ensure that you read their guidelines carefully as many of them most likely have been updated. Article marketing is still a valid form to gain exposure, provided you follow strictly the guidelines of these directories and provide unique and quality articles. Avoid submitting the same content to different directories as it looses its value. At the very least spin your articles before submitting them. Obviously this task can be daunting and if you are interested there is a way to make this task a lot easier. Try Unique Article Wizard, and see if it is something you think could be of interest to you. It spins your articles and submits them to several directories with ease. You can also visit the FAQ area and UAW Plugins for Various Article Directories, for more info.

Recent Entries (High PR Update January 2011)

Directory PR Alexa
* 7 33670
* (*) 7 1

(*) Powered by Google. You can earn AdSense revenue from knols that you write.

17 High PageRank Article Submission Directories

Directory PR Alexa
1 6 101
2 6 317
3 6 525
4 * 6 1343
5 6 3239
6 6 6276
7 5 4580
8 5 2565
9 5 6 5717
10 * 5 2469
11 5 8038
12 5 8837
13 5 4 10353
14 * 5 115241
15 4 3 2066
16 4 6453
17 4 9920

And 3 More, based on users comments

Directory PR Alexa
* 8 7 188
* 6 177
* 6 7 553

* These websites have an added twist where you submit your articles and can get paid for it. The best of both worlds, building links and making money too 🙂

That’s it. If you know of any other article directories that should be part of this list, please let me know and I will include them here. I make it a point to have this list as updated as possible to make it easier for you to submit your article to directories without having the trouble to look for them, so your help will be very much appreciated. Now, go build those links.


DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

41 thoughts on “22 High Page Rank Article Directories

  • RT @socialmediasean: RT @ditesco: High Page Rank Article Directories: Update

  • It is good to get your site on as many article directories as possible, with a link back to your own article. Helium is tricky and they have pulled articles I have submitted for linking back to my own site. Even after the article has earned they have pulled it.

  • Also, any reason you didn’t include AssociatedContent with a PR6 and lets you submit articles, poetry or anything else you want?

    • Hi Justin. Nope, no reason at all and you are right, it must have been included in this list. Thanks for filling in the gap. I’ll get it in here as soon as I receive a little more (i hope), feedback from the community. Thanks and have a nice day. BTW, your comment regarding Helium.. I know they have been pretty strict on article submission but I did not have any problems linking back to my website. Just left two links and it did not get deleted. This actually happened to me on one article with ezine. Did not change my approach and yet one was not approved and others where, go figure.

  • Hi, I was trying to Retweet this post but Twitter is over capacity! Maybe things will settle down later this evening.

    Thanks for the tips.

    • Yeah! That whale has been showing itself a lot lately. Oh well, it is your thought that counts Ileane and I do appreciate it. Thanks and have a great day

      • What do you think about Squidoo lenses? I don’t see them on the list here, but I know that Kristie mentioned them in her contest post. Do you think they rank well also? btw – I finally got the Retweet in.

        • Hi Ileane. Thanks for the RT and yet another one that I missed out. Actually, Squidoo Lenses, HubPages and AC as Justin reminded me of, should all be included here. Will update today. Thanks a bunch.. Have a nice day

  • New Post: High Page Rank Article Directories: Update – Article marketing can be a powerful way of building links for…

  • Thanks so much for these great list. Really useful. Article submission is one of the most important aspects of online marketing and it really pays off if you submit it to those top directories. Thanks again 🙂

    • Hello Aswani. Agreed, it does pay off submitting articles to top directories specially when you are doing your link building campaign. Have a great week ahead

  • Thanks for the list DiTesco! I’ve used eZine articles many times and have gotten good results with it. One article at one point showed up on the second page of Google for my keyword…which was great 🙂
    I do have a question for you, and I know many people have different views on this (just curious on your take)… do you post on many article directories different articles or do you tend to focus on just a couple?
    Up until this point I’ve only concentrated my efforts with eZines so as not to spread myself to thin, although Bukisa sounds like an interesting option. Ciao 😉

    • Hi Michele. Interesting question and one that does not come to often. I have indeed listed many directories here but the idea is not to use all of them but rather pick ones that could work well for you. If you are interested in monetizing your articles as well, then you should go for AC, Bukisa, Squidoo and HubPages. Ezine is great but it is very populated but still works well depending on the topic you are writing about. As for me and to really answer your question, I am currently using the following: Ezine, Squidoo, HubPages, and now Bukisa.

      • thanks for your feedback! All great resources 😉

  • Thanks for including my post and pointing out the importance of making your articles more valuable by promoting and building links to them!

    • You are welcome Kristi. Anything that is useful, informative and in this case makes sense, is worth it. Your article even reminded me of an important aspect that I too was neglecting while submitting articles to these directories.

  • I’ve just started to pay attention to promoting my articles to give those links some extra weight. For the longest time I just posted on Ezine but I didn’t actively promote those articles. I never thought of using CommentLuv for my EzineArticles, even though I’ve used it for my blog for a long time. Great tip.

    • Hi Tina. Always good to see you here. BTW, before I forget, thanks for recommending me to Latief. He followed up on your recommendation and interviewed me too 🙂 Its there in case you want to give it a peek.

      As for your articles, there are several ways to promote them as Kristi mentioned on her post. This is one that I overlooked myself and ComLuv is definitely one way to give them more juice. After all, the reason why we submit articles to directories is because (among other things) we want people to click on those links inside our resource box and if they are not found too, it will not be of much value.

  • RT @FamousBloggers: RT @ditesco: High Page Rank Article Directories: Update

  • Another nice set of resources Ditesco but by the way before i forget i like the way you are putting your personalize touch on this theme great work brother

    • Hi there. If you are in “article submissions” these list is just about the best out there. It took me a while to get them here so make use of it if you ever wish to go this route 🙂

      As for the Theme, thanks for noticing. This one, all the credit goes for our dear friend Hesham of He helped me all the way with this wonderful Thesis skin and if you use Thesis or anyone else out there reading this, just keep an eye for a “big launch” that is coming soon.

  • I’ve been putting off this whole article thing for almost a year.

    It’s crazy, the number of venue for promotion is outstripping the amount of original content.

    Anyone want to take a step back from this? See if we can find a bigger picture? Something that contains all this stuff, so we know how all the pieces really fit together.

    It’s a conversation that needs having, and getting it right will reduce our work load while increasing our impact.

    • I agree with you Dave. There should be “something” that contains all this stuff so we can reduce the amount of time spent on this while maximizing it’s impact. If you ever want to initiate a conversation about this let me know, I’m in.

  • There are so many link building techniques and submitting to article directories is a great method to gain backlinks. Thanks for the great resource.

    • Hi Danny! It seems this is the first time I see you around here, welcome. Thanks for dropping by and I hope to see more from you here ion the future.

  • The editorial guidelines for Articles Base says they no-follow links in both the body of the article and the author bio box – which kind of makes them useless for link juice (I double-checked by viewing source on one of their published articles, and yep the links were no-followed).

    Interestingly, they hide the editorial guidelines away – I had to dig to find them. But here they are:

    • Hi Teatree. Article submission is not solely for the purpose of getting link juice but also being found by users. These directories have high PRs and hence rank high on the SERPs. If you have articles submitted to some of these directories, there is a greater chance for people to find you. Most of them are dofollow and so just do not use the ones that are nofollow if getting juice is one of your objectives.

  • Great great list of article directories! I am just curious, will submitting to too many directories downgrade the article due to duplicate content? Or do you rewrite the articles before submission?

  • Very nice and unique info!
    I love this kind of stuff …… plz keep it up! Apart from this post I also checked your other posts they were really awesome …….thank for great info!

  • Thanks so much for these great list. Really useful. Article submission is one of the most important aspects of online marketing and it really pays off if you submit it to those top directories. Thanks again

  • Great great list of article directories! I am just curious, will submitting to too many directories downgrade the article due to duplicate content? Or do you rewrite the articles before submission?

    • Preferably it will be better if you rewrote the article to avoid possible dup content. In addition, I would choose only three to five for submission of the same article and not to all of them. Create different variants of your article and use the “link wheel” link building tactic to create more value.

      • I was wondering the same as Cyber Monday Deals. Thank you for the reply, DiTesco. I have been doing more than 3-5 and think I will cut back some thanks to your advice.

  • Thanks for sharing high page rank article directories

  • Panda update cause a big reduce to the importance of article directories, nevertheless article marketing is still important to get traffic, thanks for sharing

  • Great list Ditesco.

    I have had so much success with artcile submission that I am always on the look out for new sites.

    By the way, here is a PR 7 article site I use. Its one of those high pr sites that only a few know about. Its very high quality site.

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