Everybody talks about making money online nowadays. You see new countless blogs providing information about how to make money and where. You can make money through affiliate marketing, selling ad spaces, with Twitter, Google’s AdSense, etc. While these are all legitimate ways to make money online, you should know that earning and receiving are two different things. You need to complete the cycle before you can actually say that you made money online.
What is a cycle?
A cycle is the process whereby all steps have been completed. You choose a product or service, you promote, you get someone to click on your links, they make a purchase or convert a required action, you earn your commission and finally you get paid. A cycle is not complete until you receive your money. This could be in the form of a check, wire transfer or the more popular PayPal.
I am telling you all this because there are those (specially beginners) that will signup for several money making programs, and make the mistake of promoting them all at once without looking at the thing they call “threshold” or “minimum payout”. Simply put, this means that you will not get paid until you reach a specified amount or criteria (unless of course you are selling your own product or service). Until then, your earnings will sit there (earning only interest for the networks) while you wait, and wait, and wait. When deciding for which way to go, pay attention to this important issue or else…
What happens next?
Let’s imagine that you signed up for 10 different money making programs. Each of them has a threshold of $50. You start your engines promote everything like crazy. Suddenly see that your hard work starts to pay off because you have successfully “earned” $10 on each one of them. That’s a whopping $100! Now before you start jumping, hold on to your horses as you will never get to see that money unless you attain the minimum $50 on any one of them. This could happen fast or you may never see the light of day. What I am trying to say is that rather than “earning” all over the place, focus your efforts only to a few and insists on them until you attain those minimums and finally get paid. Few here is on your own discretion, just make sure you work on it to ensure that you won’t quit before receiving what is already yours. Work your way on each program and stay on it until the “cycle” is completed. Then move on to the next. Let me give you an example:
I have recommended a while back a way to make money with Mahalo dot com. Mahalo’s threshold is M$150 or $112 (give or take). I could have waited until some miracle happened and get tons of clicks on pages I have created to reach that amount or take action and work on it. Today, I received $112 from Mahalo. Got paid via PayPal. The cycle is complete. Now imagine I got lazy and decided to move to a “better program” along the way. I would have risked not receiving anything for a long, long time or even worst, never.
What Is The Conclusion?
Making money online is not easy and ideally you should start with only a few programs and get paid. Once you become a “super blogger”, then you should not worry about this anymore because reaching that minimum is a breeze :). Multiple streams of income is great but of no good unless you see the $$. Until then, choose your business partner wisely, work hard to make them convert and don’t forget to read the terms of “when you will get paid”.
Deric Gue
"Promote, Earn Money and Get Paid" http://bit.ly/8Zp84R #jobs
Ernest R. Schultz
Promote, Earn Money and Get Paid: I could have waited until some miracle happened and get tons of clicks on pages … http://bit.ly/dAgTBU
jai prakash
Hi Ditesco .Every body want to get more money .But I think earn money by blogging is not very easy task .but if cycle will be complete.they can earn in $ .No dought .But first of all complete your cycle and have patience…..thanks for giving picture view of cycle.
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Hi Jai. Indeed, everyone wants to make money and there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, it is a professional responsibility just like anything else. Having patience is key to this and “completing the cycle” is the final process. Thanks for you input
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Allied Bloggers
New Post: To Make Money Online, You Must Complete The Cycle – Everybody talks about making money online nowadays. Y… http://ht.ly/17q0D9
Dave Doolin
Having a lot of very small streams of income is kind of cool from one point of view, but it’s a lot of work to keep up with from another point of view. Something a lot of people don’t understand when they get started.
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Exactly Dave and this is where I think most people get stuck with. They will happily say that they have “multiple sources of earnings” but unfortunately, multiple checks is still yet to happen 🙂 They should eventually catch up.
You just show us true picture of earning. I see many blogger this day trying to show they are master of earning even they begin with a site. They just said they have 3-4 years experience but never show the past portfolio. I just skip those blogger. Congrats for your earning.
.-= Arafat Hossain Piyada invites you to check this out.. 4 working tool to check site is down for everyone or not =-.
Yes Arafat. There are people who will say that they have all those years of experience, but normally this are those that lure you to “get rich” schemes and all that nonsense. Stay focused and work on your programs one at a time. Then get paid, that’s what making money means 🙂
Wow…Congrats! I think you really deserve it. You have been working very seriously on these money making tips and you seem to be getting better and better with time. Mahalo.com..I have read about the same on many blogs. But never gave it a try. Hopefully I will try it and yes, I agree…stick with one and the best one. No point in running after each and everything.
.-= Aswani invites you to check this out.. Social Media Privacy – The known threats and the possible solution =-.
Mahalo is an excellent source for making money and I believe that you will like it considering that you are highly social and like to “answer” questions 🙂 Give it a try and don’t forget to read this articile in case you forgot about it: Mahalo: Another Way To Make Money Online
Paintball Jersey Fan
Yes Arafat. There are people who will say that they have all those years of experience, but normally this are those that lure you to “get rich” schemes and all that nonsense. Stay focused and work on your programs one at a time. Then get paid, that’s what making money means
I really think it’s fairly easy to earn money on those programs, the hard part is always crossing the threshold and getting paid. Giid job DiTesco! 😀
.-= Liane invites you to check this out.. How to Make a Blog Post Go Viral in Facebook =-.
Hi there Liane. Good to see you here. Depending on the case, yes it is fairly easy to earn money online and it appears that we both agree that crossing that “magic” number is where the hard part begins. Thanks for your input, really appreciate it
William Franks
Very good points. Too many new affiliates sign up and don’t realize what it takes to actually make money and then meet the payment threshold.
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Hello William and welcome. That’s the whole point of making money, receiving and having the chance to either save it or send it. Now this will not happen if don’t get paid, right? Now, there is nothing wring with having a lot of affiliates, provided you reach the threshold of every single one of them 🙂
Shekhar Sahu
Well said
Some bloggers just loose interest if they dont reach the T.Hold.