Bing Webmaster Tools Revamped, Better?

Its been a while since I last wrote a post about Bing’s webmaster tools. Aside from my recommendation to get your website verified on Bing, nothing really exciting has been going on with their tools, until recently. Microsoft officially unveiled its new webmaster tools two days ago, and I have to tell you, that I am amazed on how better it has gone to be. Tons of new features have been added and if you are into SEO, you will specially like the Link Explorer, Keyword Research, the SEO reports and SEO analyzer tools.

Microsoft has been launching some of its own new stuff recently., a sponsored web based online reputation tool, Brandify, and now the whole set of new webmaster tools.

Anyway, let’s see what’s under the hood…

Bing Webmaster Tools New Features

bing webmaster toolsLink Explorer – This is probably the best new addition to BWMT. Link explorer is very similar to that of Yahoo-site explorer, which has been decommissioned some time ago. Very useful to check your inbound links and analyze them accordingly. Hint: You can put any URL in there ;-).

SEO Reports and Analyzer – This is a very interesting new tool that has been introduced on BWMT. Although new, many of you probably don’t know that Microsoft has had for a very long time a free SEO tool to help you conduct an audit of your site (desktop version), bundled in their IIS. This new tool on BMWT will generate automated reports for you on a regular basis and let you know your sites heath accordingly. The SEO analyzer is just what the name suggest, it see your pages and points specific SEO violations so that you can fix them when necessary. Great tool.

SEO Analyzer Suggestion

Keyword Research tool – Very interesting tool and not until I saw the video (below) did I figure out that the data it returns are actually from organic searches, and not from Microsoft’s AdCenter. Very useful when doing your keyword research.

and really a bunch of other useful stuff…

To avoid making this a real long post, here’s a video form Rand Fishkin of SEOMoz with Bing’s Duane Forrester to personally walk you through the brand new Bing Webmaster Tools. Its really worth watching. The new Bing Webmaster Tools has nothing to do with the previous one.

That’s it for now. I am sure that as Bing introduces more features and improves the data further, there will be tons of blog post talking about the tools and how to use specific features to work for you.


DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

9 thoughts on “Bing Webmaster Tools Revamped, Better?

  • Saw this on Twitter right now. Very nice. So glad to see these updates. Now I’ll take them a bit more seriously, too haha.

  • Nice post Francisco, its been a while since I last looked Bing’s tools. I could see the potential of they could do with their tools and it looks like they are on the track. The new stuff looks like it could come in handy.

    I need to check out their keyword tool…I could always use another keyword research tool. 🙂

  • I’d created my bing webmaster tool account last year, but never used it because it has no useful tools or any features. But now as it has brought some interesting features and tools… I would love to try them and see how I can improve my site. thanks for sharing this useful information.

    • You are welcome Aasma. Bings new tools are really awesome, and I think that it will only get better. Hopefully their initiative will trigger a small competition with other webmaster tools 😉

  • They sent me a message regarding this stuff.
    Haven’t really checked since.
    I just hope it works better this time

  • Great walk through of the new tool. I have mostly used Google’s tools until now, but I think I will check out my old Bing account to see the new tool :). Thanks for sharing.

  • But the result shown by the keyword research is limited as they are only showing the result , information gathered by the the Bing and yahoo. Though limited still now we have one more tool that have some independent data apart from google.

  • I am curious to use to use this bing webmasters tools,I will surely give it a try 🙂

  • Thanx for a great site with many wonderful tips.

    I have never used BING webmaster and found their stuff very interesting and extremely helpful. I found your site when doing general research for my blog where I discuss SEO and its influence on the Social media issues.

    Your team seems to have a very similar perception to mine, in that Social media is growing and needs more attention from the SEO teams at all companies.

    I will be comming back here… once again thanx for a great site with very interesting posts.

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