Marketing Lessons From MOZ, Instagram Story Design Tools, Anchor Text Best Practices, Speedlink 17:2018

Hi everyone, hope you all had a great and productive week.

The lessons Rand has learned from building and growing Moz are almost old enough to drive. From marketing flywheels versus growth hacks, to product launch timing, to knowing your audience intimately, Rand shares his best advice from a decade and a half of marketing Moz in this edition of Whiteboard Friday.

Marketing Lessons Learned from 16 Years of Building Moz

6 Instagram Stories Design Tools for Marketers


Want to create more professional-looking Instagram stories? Wondering how to easily add design elements or music to your stories?

In this article, you’ll discover six easy-to-use design tools that will make your Instagram stories more interesting.

Anchor Text Best Practices for Google


Anchor text is the text used in the links to your site. It used to be that if you acquire enough links with the appropriate keywords in the anchor text that your site will begin to rank for those keywords. But at some point websites experienced penalizations for having statistically unnatural ratios of anchor text links.

# Industry Standard Guidance for Anchor Text
# Anchor Text Ratios
# Modification Engine Prevents Reverse Engineering
and more…

What is the best practice for the use of anchor text today? Read the full article here

And as usual, in no particular order:

Content Creation & Inbound Marketing (SEO, Search, etc)

Social Media Marketing; Technology & Small Business Resources

On, SEO Tools and more

That’s it! Enjoy and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.