Speedlink V33/2011, Keyword Rankings, Blogging, Social Web, And Awesome FaceBook Guide

Hello everyone. Hope you all had a great and productive week. On my end, I decided to do some house cleaning (getting rid of less profitable sites) and focused more efforts on better performing ones. I also launched a new niche site experiment this week, that hopefully will answer a lot of my questions when it comes to site promotion. We’ll see how that goes.

Anyway, it seems that Google also has been doing some house cleaning of its own. They are getting rid of several projects like SideWiki, Notes, Image Labeler, Subscribed Links, etc.. Do any of you even remember or used sidewiki? I think I might have used it once 🙂

So, another week packed with great articles and before going to the roundup, I want to call your attention to the video below. Matt Cutts rants about “keyword rankings”. Listen to the “between the lines”. He’s giving some real good info about what you should be worrying when optimization is concerned.

As usual, in no particular order:

Blogging/Online Business


Social Web/Other Stuff

Best way to check your own site for keyword rankings

That’s it! Enjoy and have a great week ahead.


DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone.com. iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.

9 thoughts on “Speedlink V33/2011, Keyword Rankings, Blogging, Social Web, And Awesome FaceBook Guide

  • Thanks for mentioning one of my posts DiTesco! The funny thing is I just mentioned your blog in a guest post I have scheduled to publish on Comluv… Ha ha you beat me to it! 🙂

  • Wow Francisco, thanks for including my post this week! It’s a real honor! I’ve only read a few of the other posts listed here, so I’ve got a lot of catching up to do ahead of me.

    But again, thanks so much!

  • Great round up. The posts under blogging interest me a lot. I guess I have a lot of blog reading to catch up then. Thanks for the share.

  • DiTesco,

    Great list. I will be subscribing to some of these.

    Additionally, looking forward to hearing your results on the niche site.

    Just curious. What promotion techniques will you be trying out???


  • Awesome collection as always. Since I was away the whole week, you’ve helped me a lot to catch up with the stuff.

    The video is cool and adds power (as always).

    Well I’m on to moving findallanswers to a new domain this week. Hope everything goes well. Wish me luck 🙂

  • SideWiki, now there’s something I haven’t heard for ages! Loved the article on Bounce rate 😉

  • Nice article, Great list and an awesome video! I agree with that we should not run after the ‘trophy phrases’, the min emphasis on the over all traffic that are turning to your site, and a constant check on how, why & where they are coming from?

    I personally target the long tail keywords only, as google suggest has become a great source for any body who is trying to search on a particular nice.., With little efforts you can start getting good rank for your long tail keywords

  • loving the list!! my fav was “Complete Guide to Customizing your Facebook Fan” by live you love.

    thanks alot diTesco.

  • Thank you for sharing this video Francisco! I like Matt Cutts and It’s good to know what’s Google doing with SEO because sometimes we get confused and we don’t know how to search or rank for!

    Have a great day,

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