Keywords Volume and Value, Facebook Traffic, Core Search Algo Update, #Speedlink 25:2015

Hi everyone, hope you all had a great and productive week! Doing keyword research is not just about volume and number of searches. To know the potential value of keywords in a certain niche, there is more to do than just look at the number of searches keywords get each month. In the video below, Rand of explains what more you should be looking at, and how you can use other data to prioritize some groups over others.

Why We Like, Comment, and Share on Facebook

This week, Neil of published and infographic about why people enjoy liking, commenting, and sharing on Facebook. Have you ever asked yourself why is this so? If you haven’t, you should. Why? Because understanding why people enjoy doing these things will help you generate more Facebook traffic.

With that said, and if you want to get more Facebook traffic, you need to understand what motivates people to use Facebook. The infographic below will help you understand.

Click on the image below to see a larger view:

why share and comment on facebook

Google Does A Core Search Algorithm Update

On or about the 15th this week, MozCast temperature gauge has started to get hotter indicating that search rankings were seeing some movements. For those of you who are new to MozCast, it is a weather report that shows the turbulence in the Google algorithm over the previous day (or see the 5-day history on the left). The hotter and stormier the weather, the more Google’s rankings changed. As you can see from the chart below, the waether has indeed spiked to over a 100º on the 16th and Google confirmed that it was a core change in their algoritm. Has this affected your sites ranking in any way?

mozcast weather report

More info about the core update here.

And as usual, in no particular order:

Content Creation & Marketing/SEO and Search

Social Media/Small Business Bites

More from around the web …

That’s it! Enjoy, have a great weekend!

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DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.