Why Your Business Needs Data

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There’s no denying that big data is big business today, but that’s because it really is extremely important to companies of all shapes and sizes across the globe. More and more often, companies are mining a whole host of information on their clients in a bid to find out as much as they can about the people who visit their websites and use their services, and if you want to get ahead, so should you!

Your Company Can’t Succeed Without Data

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It’s perfectly normal to be hesitant when it comes to collecting data. After all, there have been a lot of scare stories out there where hackers have stolen sensitive information and wreaked all manner of havoc for some of the biggest countries in the world, but here’s the thing, if you don’t collect data, you will always be playing catch-up.

When you’re in business, whether you’re selling baby clothes or creating cool apps, you need to know as much as you can about your target audience. You need to know what they dig and what turns them off. You need to know how much they’re willing to pay and which features will enable you to sell your stuff for a premium. Sure, you could conduct endless market research surveys or take a trial and error approach to things, but that would be expensive, time-consuming and probably not as effective as collecting data.

You don’t have to be all cloak and dagger about it – you can ask people to opt in and tell them exactly what you’re doing, but collecting customer data is a must. It will benefit your customers too. For example, if you already have your customers’ details on file, when they need to get in touch to report a problem or chase up an order, it’ll save them time if you can just pull up all of their details immediately without having to ask!

Data Security

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Of course, if you are collecting data, you need to be able to store it securely especially if some of that data contains sensitive information such as bank account and credit card details, which usually means hiring a professional data security management company to set up a secure server for you. Not only that, but you might want to look into head off-to-onsite systemic disaster recovery services, which will enable you to keep your data safe and accessible even if something goes wrong onsite.

Using Your Data

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Once you’ve collected and secured customer data, it can be used in a variety of ways. You can use it to tailor marketing campaigns to your audience or to send out targeted offers to individuals, which are more likely to get a bite than one-size-fits-all commercials, and you can use it to come up with new products that will appeal to the public. The possibilities really are endless it the world of data collection, so don’t be afraid and start collecting, maintaining and using data for the good of your company and your clients!


DiTesco is a Business and Inbound Marketing Consultant, and founder of iBlogzone.com. iBlogzone's main objective is to help startups and small business owners achieve success in their online ventures. | More About Me and my Digital Marketing Services in SP Brazil.